If you cannot find the answer to your question in the FAQs below, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page, or by emailing helpdesk@ebookpartnership.com
Looking for sales and royalty reports?
Distribution clients can access your Dashboard here: https://account.ebookpartnership.com/
Find out more about our professional eBook conversion service, file formats, and the eBook conversion process.
Looking for more details of our worldwide eBook distribution service for publishers and authors? Visit our eBook distribution FAQs.
eBook royalty rates, sales reports and payment options. Find out more here about generating revenue from your eBook sales.
For a no-commitment project quote or details of our multi-title discounts, please complete the short form or send an email to helpdesk@ebookpartnership.com.
The more information you can provide the more detailed our recommendations and quotation can be. If possible please send your content in PDF or Word format. If your files are over 50mb please send them using a file transfer service such as WeTransfer, or share them via Dropbox or Google Drive.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Mint Associates Ltd / Registered Office: 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR / Registered in England & Wales: Company No. 07315885 / VAT GB 998 3616 54 © Mint Associates Ltd 2023